
Starts: Tue, 12th of Sep 2023

Break: Mon 16th of Oct – Sun 28th Oct 2023

Ends: Tue, 28th of Nov 2023

Cost: $179 per person


Alfred Street, Norwood

Address: Google Map
18 Alfred Street
Norwood SA 5067

Law of Three

Practical Philosophy continues after the Introductory Course – The Wisdom Within, with classes that advance and guide students to open their awareness more fully and connect more deeply within themselves. Each Foundation Course covers a single theme that builds on the material introduced in The Wisdom Within. Foundation courses are offered in no particular order, at different times of the year.

This foundation course, The Law of Three, will be offered starting Tuesday, 12th of September 2023. The course consists of one session per week for 10 weeks, on Tuesday evenings from 6:30pm. Each session lasting 2 1/4 hours with a short break in the middle. The cost for this 10-week course is $179. Enrol before 25th August 2023 and enter the “Early Bird” code for only $150.


Refund Policy:

  • Students may cancel their enrolment, for any reason, before the end of the second week of term, irrespective of whether they have attended a class. The enrolment fee will be refunded, less a $15.00 administration charge.

  • If COVID-19 related regulations change after the course has started:

    A partial refund will be offered or the option to defer to a later date.
    An option to switch-over and participate online via the Zoom Meetings platform.

About the course

This course takes a more systematic and practical look at the three guṇāh, introduced in the ‘Wisdom Within’ course. The knowledge of the guṇāh is the key to self-mastery. Knowledge of their play brings greater understanding of all aspects of life, providing perspective, understanding and the opportunity to respond freely to every situation we meet.


The Law of Three, explores the ancient sāṃkhya teaching of the three fundamental substances running through everything and reveals how this teaching can help to bring harmony and balance into life.

  • Independence from the Guṇāh – Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas.

  • Echoes of the three in Plato. Balance and imbalance.

  • The roles of manas, buddhi, chitta and ahamkara.