Starts at 6:30pm: Mon, 9th of Sep 2024
Ends at 6:30pm: Mon, 25th of Nov 2024
Cost: $219 per person
Alfred Street, Norwood
Address: Google Map
18 Alfred Street
Norwood SA 5067
Practical Philosophy continues after the Introductory Course – The Wisdom Within, with classes that advance and guide students to open their awareness more fully and connect more deeply within themselves. Each Foundation Course covers a single theme that builds on the material introduced in The Wisdom Within. Foundation courses are offered in no particular order, at different times of the year.
This next foundation course, Happiness, will be offered starting Monday, 3rd of Feb 2025. The course consists of one session per week for 10 weeks, on Mondays evenings from 6:30pm Each session lasting 2 1/5 hours with a tea-break in the middle. After the first 5 weeks there will be a 2 weeks break followed by another 5 weeks. The cost for this 10-week course is $219. Enrol before 20th Jan 2025 and enter the “Early Bird” code for only $199. For healthcare or pensioner card the price is only $159.

Refund Policy:
About the course
How much would you sell your happiness for? Do you ever give it away for free by reacting to another person or a thought? Is it possible to be happy all the time? Or do we have to know misery to be happy? These are the kinds of questions that the Happiness course addresses and along the way touches on such subjects as the importance of the present moment, the power of direct observation and the creativity inherent in centred attention.
The material draws on some of the fundamental western philosophical concepts such as Plato’s divine and human goods as well as introducing us to Marsilio Ficino. Questions such as: