THE WISDOM WITHIN – Face to Face Introductory Course
We are pleased to once again be able to offer The Wisdom Within introductory course starting Monday 2nd June 2025.
The course consists of one session per week for 10 weeks. Each session lasting 2 1/2 hours with a one week break in the middle (Mon 7th July 2025).
The cost for this 10-week introductory course is only $149.
In this course you will receive an introduction to the world’s great Philosophical teachings, both East and West, which have stood the test of time. You will participate in inquiries into core questions about life and existence; experiment with exercises in mindfulness and discover how easily you can access the wisdom you already have within you.
Make the first step and join us this spring to open up your mind and warm-up your soul. Experience the power of discovering more about yourself and the world around.
About the course
Drawing on the great philosophic ideas of both East and West, past and present, this course explores the meaning of wisdom, truth, consciousness, the real nature of Humanity and what inhibits its development.
It is for all, regardless of education, age, race, political or religious beliefs.
The philosophy of the course is that Humanity in truth is limitless and that there is a unity underlying all the apparent diversity in our daily lives. This is known as non-dualistic philosophy.
Above all, this course is about practical philosophy. This means that the principles discussed in class can be put to effective practical use in work, study and every aspect of daily life. No previous knowledge of the subject is necessary.
Classes are conducted in a friendly and openhearted atmosphere. Philosophical principles and examples are presented to the class, and students are encouraged to discuss these in the light of their own experience and to seek further understanding of the principles by putting them into practice during the week.
Simple exercises are also given that help to strengthen attention and bring rest and clarity to the mind.
The course is offered normally twice a year and there are subsequent courses for those who wish to continue the study of this philosophy.